H.O.M.E. Home. Ownership. Monex Education DuPage.c Thinking about buying a home and not sure where to begin? TRY OUR GATEWAY TO HOMEOWNERSHIP - a 2-1/2 hour on-line orientation class for anyone interested in learning more about homeownership, but are not quite ready to buy, or have issues to be resolved before they can qualify for a mortgage. Counselors go over down payment assistance programs and their eligibility requirements. A local lender answers your questions on types of mortgages and their requirements. This is your first step towards homeownership. Serving residents of DuPage County. SM-CL2079088 Our next Gateway to Homeownership Workshop is Saturday June 24th 930a - 12p via zoom. You may register for this class at www.homedupage.com, or call our offices at 630-260-2500 with any questions, or to learn about future Gateway to Homeownership Workshops. H.O.M.E. Home . Ownership . Monex Education DuPage.c Thinking about buying a home and not sure where to begin ? TRY OUR GATEWAY TO HOMEOWNERSHIP - a 2-1 / 2 hour on - line orientation class for anyone interested in learning more about homeownership , but are not quite ready to buy , or have issues to be resolved before they can qualify for a mortgage . Counselors go over down payment assistance programs and their eligibility requirements . A local lender answers your questions on types of mortgages and their requirements . This is your first step towards homeownership . Serving residents of DuPage County . SM - CL2079088 Our next Gateway to Homeownership Workshop is Saturday June 24th 930a - 12p via zoom . You may register for this class at www.homedupage.com , or call our offices at 630-260-2500 with any questions , or to learn about future Gateway to Homeownership Workshops .